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Full nameZanzibar
Official nameZanzibar
IslandsUnguja and Pemba
CapitalZanzibar City
SettledAD 1000
Typesemi-autonomous part of Tanzania
PresidentAli Mohammed Shein
Total Area1020.2 sq mi (2643 km2)
Total Population1070000 (2004)


Islands information
Native nameZang bar (Rust-land)
LocationIndian Ocean
Geography information
Area984 km2 (379.9 mi)
Administration information
SettledAD 1000
Largest cityWete
PresidentAli Mohammed Shein
Administration information
Population362000 as of census 2002
Density428 km2

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Zanzibar (c-eniconˈzænzɨbɑr; Persian: زنگبار, from suffix bār: "coast" and Zangi: "bruin" (iron after rust); Arabic: زنجبار Zanjibār) is a semi-autonomous part of Tanzania, in East Africa. It comprises the Zanzibar Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, 25 - 50 km (15.5 - 31.1 mi ) off the coast of the mainland, and consists of numerous small islands and two large ones: Unguja (the main island, informally referred to as Zanzibar), and Pemba. Other nearby island countries and territories include Comoros and Mayotte to the south, Mauritius and Réunion to the far southeast, and the Seychelles Islands about 1,500 km to the east. Arab and Portuguese traders visited the region in early times, and it was controlled by Omanis in the 18th and 19th centuries. Britain established a protectorate (1890) that became an independent sultanate in December 1963 and a republic after an uprising in January 1964. In April 1964 it joined Tanganyika to form a new republic that was renamed Tanzania in October 1964. (Frommers, 2002) The capital of Zanzibar, located on the island of Unguja, is Zanzibar City, and its historic centre, known as Stone Town, is a World Heritage Site.

Zanzibar's main industries are spices, raffia, and tourism.

In particular, the islands produce cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and pepper. For this reason, the islands, together with Tanzania's Mafia Island, are sometimes called the Spice Islands (a term also associated with the Maluku Islands in Indonesia). Zanzibar's ecology is of note for being the home of the endemic Zanzibar Red Colobus Monkey and the (possibly extinct) Zanzibar Leopard.

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