Royal Palace of Aranjuez
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     Home | World Heritage Site | Royal Palace of Aranjuez

The Royal Palace of Aranjuez ( ) is a residence of the King of Spain, located in the town of Aranjuez, Community of Madrid, Spain. The palace is open to the public as one of the Spanish royal sites.

It was commissioned by Philip II and designed by Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera, who also designed El Escorial. It was completed during the reign of Ferdinand VI; Charles III had two wings added to it.

The huge gardens, built to relieve its royal residents from the dust and drought of the Spanish meseta using the waters of the adjacent Tagus and Jarama rivers, are Spain's most important of the Habsburg period. The Jardín de la Isla is on a man-made island bounded by the River Tagus and the Ria Canal.

The Jardín del Principe contains a miniature palace (the Casa del Labrador, built for Charles IV) and the Museo de las Falúas Reales, housing the most important extant collection of Spain's royal pleasure barges.

The Concierto de Aranjuez is a composition for classical guitar and orchestra written by Spanish composer Joaquín Rodrigo, who was inspired by the palace gardens. The work attempts to take the listener through sounds of nature in and around the gardens during the period in which it was written.

The palace's important art and historical collections include the Museo de la Vida en Palacio, describing the daily lives of Spain's monarchs.

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Royal sites of the Patrimonio Nacional

PalacesRoyal Palace of Madrid * Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial * Royal Palace of El Pardo (Palace of Zarzuela) * Royal Palace of Aranjuez * Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso * Royal Palace of Riofrío * Royal Alcázares: Upper Apartments * Royal Palace of La Almudaina
MonasteriesConvent of Las Descalzas Reales * Royal Convent of La Encarnación * Royal Convent of Santa Clara * Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas * Benedictine Abbey of Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos
OtherCasita del Príncipe * Casita del Infante * Pantheon of Illustrious Men * Convent of San Pascual * Convent of Santa Isabel * Colegio de Doncellas Nobles

World Heritage Sites in Spain

North West|North West |
North EastCaves of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spainup|1 * Mudéjar Architecture of Aragon * Pyrénées - Mont Perduup|2 * Rock-Art on the Iberian Peninsulaup|1 * Route of Santiago de Compostelaup|1 * San Millán Yuso and Suso Monasteries * Vizcaya Bridge
Community of MadridAranjuez Cultural Landscape * El Escorial * University and Historic Precinct of Alcalá de Henares
CentreArchaeological Ensemble of Mérida * Archaeological Site of Atapuerca * Ávila with its Extra-mural Churches * Burgos Cathedral * Cáceres * Cuenca * Las Médulas * Rock-Art on the Iberian Peninsulaup|1 * Route of Santiago de Compostelaup|1 * Salamanca * Santa María de Guadalupe * Segovia and its Aqueduct * Toledo
EastArchaeological Ensemble of Tárraco (Tarragona) * Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boí * Ibiza (Biodiversity and Culture) * Palau de la Música Catalana and * Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona * Palmeral of Elche * Poblet Monastery * Rock-Art on the Iberian Peninsulaup|1 * Silk Exchange in Valencia * Works of Antoni Gaudí
SouthAlhambra, Generalife and Albayzín * Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias, Seville * Córdoba * Doñana * Renaissance Monuments of Úbeda and Baeza * Rock-Art on the Iberian Peninsulaup|1
Canary IslandsGarajonay * San Cristóbal de La Laguna * Teide National Park

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