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Military of Croatia

Military of Croatia
Croatian Armed Forces emblem
NameArmed forces of the Republic of Croatia
Native NameOružane snage Republike Hrvatske
CaptionCroatian Armed Forces emblem
Commander-in-chiefPresident Ivo Josipović
MinisterDavor Božinović
Minister TitleDefence Minister
CommanderGeneral Drago Lovrić
Commander TitleChief of staff
Active18,400 (ranked 100th)
Percent GDP1.52% (2009)
Amount875 millionUSD
4.87 billion HRK
BranchesCroatian Army
Croatian Navy
Croatian Air Force and Defense
Age18 years of age (voluntary)
Available1,035,712 (2008 est.)
Fit771,323 (2008 est.)
Reaching27,500 (2008 est.)
ConscriptionAbolished in 2008
Domestic SuppliersĐuro Đaković (armored vehicles)
HS Produkt (small arms)|Kroko (gear and equipment)
Foreign Suppliers
United States
DeployedAfghanistan - 315
Kosovo - 20
Chad - 15
Syria - 95
Pakistan - 7
HistoryMilitary history of Croatia
Ban Josip Jelačić
Nikola Šubić Zrinski
Croatian War of Independence
Croatian National Guard
War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
RanksCroatian military ranks

     Home | National Military | Military of Croatia

:This page is about the military of the modern Republic of Croatia. For other uses, see Croatian Armed Forces (disambiguation).Croatian military is officially called Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia ( - OSRH) and it consists of three branches:

* Croatian Army (Hrvatska kopnena vojska)

* Croatian Navy (Hrvatska ratna mornarica)

* Croatian Air Force and Defense (Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstvo i protuzračna obrana)

Military of Croatia Video

March 29, 1994 Watch the full program: In early January 1993, the UN Special Envoy Cyrus Vance and EC representative Lord Owen began negotiating a peace proposal with the leaders of Bosnia's warring factions. The proposal, which became known as the "Vance-Owen peace plan", involved the division of Bosnia into ten semi-autonomous regions and received the backing of the UN. On 5 May, however, the self-proclaimed Bosnian Serb assembly rejected the Vance-Owen plan; and on 18 June, Lord Owen declared that the plan was "dead". Given the pace at which territorial division, fragmentation and ethnic cleansing had occurred, the plan was already obsolete by the time it was announced. It became the last proposal that sought to salvage a mixed, united Bosnia-Herzegovina; subsequent proposals either re-enforced or contained elements of partition. On 1 April, Cyrus Vance announced his resignation as Special Envoy to the UN Secretary-General. He was replaced by Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorvald Stoltenberg on May 1. Slobodan MiloÅ¡eviÄ (sometimes transliterated as Miloshevich; 20 August 1941 -- 11 March 2006) was President of Serbia and of Yugoslavia. He served as the President of Socialist Republic of Serbia and Republic of Serbia from 1989 until 1997 in three terms and as President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2000. He also led the Socialist Party of Serbia from its foundation in 1990. In the midst of NATO bombing of <b>...</b>
10.98 min. | 4.27 user rating
Nothing negative about this movie. The song...well it was mostly the just sorta came to me. I try to take a song that would seem out of the norm for a particular movie. This seams to fit. Tell me what you think! aka "District 9 - Apagorevmeni periohi" - Greece (DVD title) aka "District Nine" - (English title) (alternative spelling) aka "Distrikt 9" - Croatia Directors:Neill Blomkamp Peter Robert Gerber
4.22 min. | 5.0 user rating

7.13 min. | 2.71 user rating
National Anthem of the Republic of Croatia.
1.08 min. | 5.0 user rating
Raketiranje vojarne Smiljevac u Zadru od strane JNA. IsjeÄak iz filma o ratu u Zadru kojega možete pogledati na: - - OÅ¡tarije 13.10.1991 - - Eksplozija u Barutani
0.50 min. | 5.0 user rating
Serbian culture,Orthodoxy and NATO aggression over Serbia in 1999.
13.30 min. | 5.0 user rating
The Western Front in 1917 prior to the arrival of US troops. German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line, successful British-Dominion diversion at Arras, French failure in the Nivelle Offensive. Mutinies in the French Army follow, but are successfully addressed by General Philippe Pétain.
8.28 min. | 5.0 user rating
The French Army is rallied for a great spring offensive - but mutiny looms when the plans fall foul of the Germans.
10.02 min. | 5.0 user rating
This is the final part of a German documentary on Kosovo. There are subtitles in English.
3.13 min. | 5.0 user rating
Äetvrta epizoda govori o pokuÅ¡aju formiranja DubrovaÄke Republike, brojnim pregovorima o primirju, odnosu vojnih snaga na frontu, unutraÅ¡njim problemima tzv. JNA te nastavku rata. Serija predstavlja jedan pogled na rat s druge strane bojiÅ¡nice.
33.60 min. | 4.0 user rating

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Serb military to end conscription from 2011 - Reuters AlertNet Tweet this news
Reuters AlertNet--The Serbian army is a vestige of the communist Yugoslav People's Army that fought wars in Slovenia and -Croatia- in 1991 and Bosnia in 1992. ... - Date : Thu, 30 Sep 2010 16:08:07 GMT+00:00
Balloon Search Focuses Near Croatian Isle, Italian Coast - KOAT Albuquerque Tweet this news
KOAT Albuquerque--Bill Richardson successfully arranged for the US -military- forces to join the search. "I've been following the search for Richard and Carol all day, ... - Date : Thu, 30 Sep 2010 21:24:26 GMT+00:00
Croatia column missed the mark - Washington Times Tweet this news
Washington Times--I do not dispute Mr. Kuhner's description of the post-World War II horrors perpetrated against -Croatia's- opposing -military- and civilians by the victorious ... - Date : Mon, 11 Oct 2010 23:17:35 GMT+00:00
Guard Deployment - WNMT Tweet this news
WNMT--(St. Paul, MN) -- Twelve Army National Guard soldiers leave this morning on a 12-month deployment to partner with -Croatian- soldiers to train the -military- in ... - Date : Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:40:00 GMT+00:00
Free war criminals cloud Serbia's EU bid - Tweet this news, a -Croatian- Serb, is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity for persecuting Croat and other non-Serb civilians in Serb-controlled ... - Date : Mon, 25 Oct 2010 20:49:01 GMT+00:00

Programs under revision :
Current Mission Organization Country Nr. of personnel
United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan UNMOGIP United Nations India and Pakistan 7
Kosovo ForcesKFOR NATO Kosovo 20
European Union mission in Chad EUFOR Tchad/RCA European Union Chad 15
International Security Assistance Force - ISAF NATO Afghanistan 299
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara MINURSO United Nations Western Sahara 3
United Nations Mission in Liberia - UNMIL United Nations Liberia 3
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force - UNDOF United Nations Golan Heights - Syria and Israel 95
United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire UNOCI United Nations Côte d'Ivoire 3
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti MINUSTAH United Nations Haiti 3
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus UNFICYP United Nations Cyprus 3

Programs under revision :
Former Mission Operation Country Organization Nr. of personnel Time
United Nations Observer Mission in GeorgiaUNOMIG United Nations Georgia 3
United Nations Mission of Support in East TimorUNMISET United Nations East Timor 3
United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone - UNAMSIL United Nations Sierra Leone 10
United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea - UNMEE United Nations Ethiopia and Eritrea 7

Programs under revision :
International military exercises Country Organization Nr. of personnel Time
Noble Midas 2007 9000 2007

Military of Croatia

Croatian Army |col2width=14em Croatian Navy Croatian Air Force and Defense |above=General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia

HR topics

HistoryPrehistoric Croatia * Origins of Croats * White Croatia * Littoral Croatian Duchy * Pannonian Croatia * Kingdom of Croatia * Croatia in personal union with Hungary * Croatia in the Habsburg Empire * State of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs * Kingdom of Yugoslavia * World War II * Socialist Republic of Croatia * Croatian War of Independence * Republic of Croatia
GeographyTopography * Mountains * Extreme points of Croatia * Islands * Rivers * Lakes * Climate * Protected areas * Flora * Fauna
PoliticsConstitution * Parliament * Prime Minister * President * Elections * Political parties * Foreign relations * Government * Agencies * Law enforcement
EconomyCroatian kuna * National Bank * Zagreb Stock Exchange * Science and technology * Education * Agriculture * Industry * Services * Mining * Energy * Communications * Tourism * Transport * Healthcare * Companies * Croatian brands
MilitaryHistory * General Staff * Army * Air Force * Navy * Military Police
SymbolsNational Flag * Flags * Coat of arms * Anthem * Motto * National decorations * Croatian wattle * Name
DemographicsAdministrative divisions * Cities * Human rights * Postal codes * Languages * Religion * Minorities * Immigration * Croats * List of Croats
CultureAcademy * Architecture * Art * Cinema (Actors) * Music (Composers) * Cuisine (Wine) * Croatian language * Literature (Writers * Poets) * Philosophy * Folklore (Costume) * Humour * Radio * Television * Sport * Public holidays * Society * Croatian Nobel laureates

Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Albania * Belgium * Bulgaria * Canada * Croatia * Czech Republic * Denmark * Estonia * France * Germany * Greece * Hungary * Iceland * Italy * Latvia * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Netherlands * Norway * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Slovakia * Slovenia * Spain * Turkey * United Kingdom * United States

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