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Central Bank of Malta

Bank Name In LocalBank Ċentrali ta’ Malta  
Established17 April 1968
Bank OfMalta
President TitleGovernor -Chairman
PresidentMichael C Bonello
SucceededEuropean Central Bank (2008)1

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The Central Bank of Malta ( ) was established on 17 April 1968. In May 2004, when Malta joined the European Union, it became an integral part of the European System of Central Banks. It was responsible for, amongst other things, issuing Maltese lira banknotes and coins, before Malta adopted the euro in 2008 and the Bank became part of the Eurosystem.

Central Bank of Malta Video

Interview with Central Bank of Malta Governor Part 1
7.70 min. | 0 user rating
Interview with Central Bank of Malta Governor Part 2
8.28 min. | 0 user rating

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Malta attracts wealthy investors - Financial Times Tweet this news
Financial Times---...- up from €25bn last December and just €8.7bn at the close of 2003, according to the latest statistics from the -Central bank of Malta-. ... - Date : Fri, 08 Oct 2010 15:54:57 GMT+00:00
Eurozone household saving rate fell to 14.3% in Q2 2010; Ireland had a sharp ... - FinFacts Ireland Tweet this news
FinFacts Ireland---...- -Malta-, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom plus the European -Central Bank- ... - Date : Thu, 28 Oct 2010 15:00:31 GMT+00:00
Malta Government Stock prices retreat, volumes shrink - Times of Malta Tweet this news
Times of Malta--Today, the -Central Bank of Malta- Stockbroker lowered its bid prices for the Malta Government Stocks as the benchmark 10-year eurozone yield increased. ... - Date : Wed, 06 Oct 2010 14:38:30 GMT+00:00
Malta Attracting Wealthy Investors - Sovereign Society (blog) Tweet this news
Sovereign Society (blog)---...- to €28bn (US$38.5bn), up from €25bn (US$34.3bn) last December and just €8.7bn (US$12bn) at the close of 2003, according to the -Central bank of Malta-. ... - Date : Tue, 19 Oct 2010 23:05:54 GMT+00:00
Minister charts basic strengths of Malta's financial services - Times of Malta Tweet this news
Times of Malta--“The separation between the -Central Bank- and the MFSA at times led to the perception of falling between two stools.” In the World Economic Forum's ... - Date : Wed, 13 Oct 2010 07:39:20 GMT+00:00

Central banks of the European Union

Within EurozoneOesterreichische Nationalbank (AT) * Nationale Bank van België/Banque nationale de Belgique (BE) * Kεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου (CY) * Suomen Pankki/Finlands Bank (FI) * Banque de France (FR) * Deutsche Bundesbank (DE) * Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος (GR) * Banc Ceannais na hÉireann/Central Bank of Ireland (IE) * Banca d'Italia (IT) * Banque Centrale du Luxembourg (LU) * Central Bank of Malta (MT) * De Nederlandsche Bank (NL) * Banco de Portugal (PT) * Národná banka Slovenska (SK) * Banka Slovenije (SI) * Banco de España (ES)
Outside EurozoneБългарска народна банка (BG) * Česká národní banka (CZ) * Danmarks Nationalbank (DK) * Eesti Pank (EE) * Magyar Nemzeti Bank (HU) * Latvijas Banka (LV) * Lietuvos Bankas (LT) * Narodowy Bank Polski (PL) * Banca Naţională a României (RO) * Sveriges Riksbank (SE) * Bank of England (GB)
EU institutions
European Central Bank * European System of Central Banks * European Investment Bank

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